
I recently went on a trip to Nashville with some friends from college to visit a friend who was grieving the loss of her sister.

One night, while sitting around the table after eating too much pizza, the friend who lost her sister just started talking and I could have listened to her all night long. Some people are just so wise, ya know?

Anyway, she kept saying:

“God’s kindness is interwoven through everything if you pay attention and have eyes to see.”

And I can’t stop thinking about it.

I also noted that she said, “Jesus is a reflection of who God is”…”Keeping your hopes up is the most risky thing you can do, but that’s what faith is”…and, “The worst effing moments in life are where you see God’s kindness woven in.”

I haven’t experience any real first hand traumatic loss but I’m not naïve enough to think I never will. I want to remember these words. I want to be able to share them with people.

That’s all.